For a while there I was worried I would miss the chance again this year. I'm going to be out of the country (and largely away from technology) for three months starting at the end of June, and as an example of how devoid of responsibility my life currently is the only thing I could think of that may be affected by that was that I may miss the opportunity to buy tickets to Blizzcon.
Let me make clear that I'm going as a fan of Blizzard, and not a fan of WoW. This is the gaming equivalent of going to a party knowing that your ex-girlfriend will be there, only to ignore her and try your best to act like you didn't even know she was going. Cataclysm? I didn't know you would be here! What a nice surprise, it's so good to see you!
So in keeping with my avoidance of WoW, I wont be wearing Nightelf ears, Tauren Horns or anything of the sort, but I will most definitely be checking out Diablo III and seeing if I can weasel my way into any Starcraft II tournaments.
Really I've just been a fan of so many Blizzard games that I think it's one of those things I should go to at least once. Either way I'm sure I'll have a good time.
Let me know if anyone out there is planning to attend. We can go out for a drink, or several. I know of at least a few old EQ friends who will be there.
This is all assuming I can beat the queue and actually buy the tickets. Last time I didn't even get that far.