I have this bad habit with consoles. I buy them, get them all set up, buy a few of the trendy games, and then proceed to never play them at all.
For example, I own a xbox 360 but it currently lives with my sister and her husband because he/they use it way more than I ever would. I even bought Gears of War, Gears of War 2 and Halo 3 - and never played any of them for more than five minutes, while my sister's husband finished both of the Gears games. No one has bothered to play Halo for more than three minutes though. I'm still totally confused as to how it's so popular.
It's not that I don't enjoy console gaming.. I just find the games shallow. It's really hard for me to get into a console game the same way I can on PC. Consoles are great for local multiplayer, but single player games just feel lonely. Maybe it's psychological.. I don't know, but the end result is that the only console games I've fully completed since the Super Nintendo days have been games in the Final Fantasy series.
But now is my chance! This Friday is the start of a four day weekend for me, and I am determined to do at least the following two things:
- Not be hung over all weekend.
- Finish a console game that isn't Final Fantasy!
Luckily for me, these two things go hand in hand - unless the game I choose to finish is Nascar 2009 in which case getting ridiculously drunk would likely be the only way I could bring myself to play it.
After some poking around on the Internet I've made my choice. I have decided to purchase Assassin's Creed II and make a concerted effort to actually play it through to completion. As impossible as it sounds, I think I can do it!
The pressure to quit and have a nap will be immense. My daily quests in WoW will go unfinished! I may have to order pizza! But I will prevail!
With Final Fantasy XIII coming out in March, that may actually push the total number of console games I finish this year to two. That's right TWO! I can already feel the urge to scream homophobic remarks into my microphone rising as I become more of a console fanboy. I'll be sure to get into an argument about why my 360 is better than the other guy's whatever system when I go to buy the game as well. I'm so hardcore I'll say, that I bought Halo 3 and I don't even play it! and then leave before he has time to realize that what I just said doesn't even make sense.
That's the plan anyways. This may all be thwarted by an attractive female, or a lazy me, as is usually the case! (More so the lazy part).
So what's this game all about anyways? Which castle is the princess in?