Shorty after Wrath of the Lich King was released I set out furiously grinding experience, in an epic race to be the first person to sit in Dalaran complaining about having nothing to do.
Around level 75, I found myself in Grizzly Hills (a level 75 or so area) blindly running towards floating punctuation and/or sparkly things and came across a level 70 Warrior just about out of health, frantically trying to dispatch a harmless looking moth. It was clear that this wasn't going well for my Warrior friend, so despite my WoW training of ignoring everyone, assuming they're probably someone annoying, I dismounted squashed the moth and continued on my way.
A few moments later I got a tell, a simple thanks. No problem I replied, and considered the matter closed. My Warrior friend however, seizing upon my random act of kindness saw a potential leveling assistant, and proceeded to try to convice me to help him further, as follows:

Now I didn't edit out my replies or anything. I remained silent that whole time while he typed away, and I never actually did reply. I would have loved to make some witty remark but I feel like it probably would have been lost on him, and I had a suspicion, based on how eager he was to spam me for help based on a single "np" that I would probably regret it.
Now, almost a year later, where is my friend the Warrior Lboogie?
He's still playing, he's made it to 80 without my help it seems, and most startling of all he is fully decked out in epics even one from Naxrammas, which explains better than I ever could why I would never join a pick up group on Steamwheedle, and how horribly easy WoW has become.
Oh, and judging from his achievements, it looks like he never did finish that quest in Grizzly Hills.